Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I suck... a lot.

So yes, I've been really terrible about this blog thing. Attempted redemption here I come! (Although I know this single halfhearted post will not suffice, there shall be more, I assure you!!)

I am absolutely adoring the idea of the writer's strike of 2007-2008. Thank you so much!!! It definitely affected a lot of the television shows I watched back then and is definitely very apparent in history when going back and viewing said shows.

I am also going to set up an appointment with our lovely professor in order to discover the true meaning of life... or get my paper sorted out a bit more, I'll take whatever I can get.

Additionally, I am going to start drinking more coffee. I'm not a coffee drinker whatsoever but forced myself to drink an adequate amount today because I was seriously dragging ass. Truth be told I've never been so wired for so long in my entire life. This is definitely going to become a regular occurrence. Why I shared this? I've no idea! Probably the coffee...

On second thought, in honor of this class I should probably try to stick to "Fair Trade" coffee, seeing as if I deviated I would potentially be insulting the entire basis of this class and its pushes towards labor unions and better conditions. I will ask the green shirted man at Sparty's about this tomorrow morning and will update with his response.

Good night and good morning fellow bloggers!

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