I thought the movie today was interesting!
Personally, during the part where the older man started crying I would have had a hard time not reaching out to him and comforting him. But that's journalism, I suppose! And I've gotta figure out a way to get used to it.
It's sad how much we take equal rights for granted these days, when back then they had to fight ferociously for even a chance at them.
I really enjoyed our in depth discussions on Tuesday. A surprising feat considering how early the class is!
I liked how much we got off topic and how many different definitions for one word there can be, and how technically no single definition is more wrong or right than another because it's all a matter of perspective.
Interviews, writing, uploading, editing...
I enjoyed the movie as well. I thought it was just me that got a little choked up. I'm a visual learner, so for me it helped to see the video and tie in the reading as well. I missed out on the discussion on Tuesday, but I'm glad to hear it went well though. I hope writing is going well for you! If you need anything, let me know, and I'll do my best to help.