I figured since I took the time to write it, I might as well post my proposal as well. If you actually manage to read through the whole thing, tell me what you think! Comments are greatly appreciated!!
To Write Love On Her Arms is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping those “who are struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide”. What started off as a Myspace page, quickly accelerated into an utter phenomenon of an online community of support. I, myself, have relied on online support groups and personally know of their strong effects. I want to show how an online community is just as real as the one in your backyard.
I realize my topic is rather broad, so to help narrow it down I will divide my website into categories. The ones I have come up with so far are: the disease, the community, the hope. In ‘the disease’ category I will focus on the types of self-harm that people often put themselves through and why; being informed is extremely important, ignorance does not make a problem disappear. In ‘the community’ category I will talk specifically about TWLOHA and how it has become a cultural phenomenon of online community and support. I will show how disheartened individuals came together armed with an unbelievable ferocity, courage and support for each other, when most had never actually met in person. They were transformed through the telling of one girl’s story and were inspired to tell their own. They were nurtured by each others’ kind words while coming together on a simple Myspace page as well as through music, literature, and kind words, into a thriving community of hopefuls. I will also incorporate any hardships or ridicule that TWOLHA has encountered over the years to avoid biases. In ‘the hope’ category I will tell stories of recovery from my interviews and incorporate pictures and video as well as provide information on how to get help or get involved.
I plan to create a website using the web service www.freewebs.com. The domain will probably be www.freewebs.com/thetwlohaproject or something of the like. On the website, I will upload (or at the very least link to) sound bytes of interviews I’ve conducted with advisors at the MSU Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) as well as other advisors at the MSU Counseling Center. Additionally, I plan on interviewing those who have been severely affected by depression, whether it be directly themselves or through losing a loved one to suicide. Finally, I plan on interviewing as many of the TWLOHA staff and interns that will be willing to talk to me. (Believe me, I can be quite persuasive!) I have joined the TWOLHA street team and am currently completing many “orders” that will progress my rank forward and increase my chances of directly communicating with the main staff, perhaps even founder, Jamie Tworkowski. I will upload pictures I’ve taken relating with my topic. Additionally, I plan on using other medias such as mind maps, google maps, google charts, and the like to express information I’ve acquired for my topic visually.
Also, I am planning on applying to start a TWLOHA Uchapter here at Michigan State. CMU and U of M already have chapters started so I think that MSU should, too! I also may talk with or interview members of those university chapters and perhaps the people who first started them. I plan to document this as well.
As you can see, this is something I am very passionate about. I’ve talked with my journalism professors and they approve and feel this has the potential to be an incredible project and are willing to help me out if I need. If this does not currently meet your expectations, I am willing to do anything and everything until it does.
that definitely sounds interesting, i hope i get to see your web page at some point!